Few days back, WhatsApp rolled out a new security feature called two step verification. This post is all about this new security feature and how you can enable it in the WhatsApp. Two step verification is an optional feature which adds extra security to your WhatsApp account. If enabled, you have to provide an additional 6 digit pin along with the pin sent to your mobile phone at the time of re-verification of your account.
So In which scenario this two step verification can prevent misuse of your WhatsApp account? Suppose, you have lost your sim card or your phone is hacked. In this case, the attacker can verify your account and can read your all private messages as he has access to all SMSs of your phone. But if you have two step verification enabled, your account cannot be verified by entering only the pin sent to your mobile. One also has to enter the additional 6 digit pin chosen at the time of enabling two step verification.
In case, you forget your own password, you also will not be able to verify your account. But WhatsApp allows you to enter your email address at the time of enabling this feature so that two step verification can be disabled by sending a link to your email account. Here is how to enable two step verification in WhatsApp.
Enable WhatsApp two step Verification
- Open WhatsApp and go to Settings.
- Tap on Account and then choose Two-step verification.
- Click on the ENABLE button to proceed with two step verification.
- Next, enter a six digit PIN. You will need to provide this PIN along with verification code next time you verify your account. So choose it carefully and remember it.
- Confirm your PIN by entering it again.
- Add your email address. This email will be used in case you forget your pin. You will receive a link on this mail to disable the two step verification security. You can skip this step, but I recommend you to enter your mail id because if you forget your pin, it will be very difficult for you to verify your identity.
- Confirm your e mail by entering it once again and you have successfully enabled two step verification for your WhatsApp account. Now, you will need to enter your PIN when registering your phone number with WhatsApp again.
After two step account verification is enabled, there is option to change PIN, email Id or you can disable the two step verification. To make sure you do not forget your PIN, WhatsApp may ask you to enter your PIN occasionally. While enabling the two step verification, make sure your provide the right email id so that you are not locked out of your account if you forget your password. Also note that, if you do not provide email and forget your six digit PIN, you will not be able to verify your account within seven days from the day you last accessed your account. After seven days period is over, WhatsApp allows you to verify your account without the six digit PIN but your all messages will be deleted.
This two step verification is optional but it adds an additional layer of protection to your WhatsApp account.