If you own a YouTube channel then I am certain that you are always on the lookout for getting more subscribers? Well, if you own a WordPress website or blog along with the YouTube channel, then I am having a way for you to improve your subscribers. Just by adding your YouTube Channel as a widget in your WordPress website, you can get a lot of subscribers (every visitor who visit your website might turn into a subscriber).
Sounds interesting right? Well, then follow the tutorial given in this page to add YouTube subscribe widget to your WordPress based website or blog and increase your subscribers today.
How To Add YouTube Subscribe Button Widget To WordPress

Method 1:
In this method, I am going to teach you on how to add the YouTube subscribe widget in your WordPress using a plugin.
1) To get started, log into your WordPress panel, click on Plugins and then click on “Add New“.

2) In the plugins page, enter “YouTube Subscribe Button” in the “Search Plugins” box and hit enter in your keyboard.

3) In the search result page, you will see a lot of plugins. Now, click on “Install Now” button in the “YouTube Subscribe Button” By Arun and install the plugin in your WordPress website.

4) Once you have installed and activated the plugin, follow this path: Appearance -> Widgets to reach the WordPress widgets page.

5) In the widgets page, drag and drop the widget to any of your WordPress sidebars. Once done, click on it to open up the options.

6) Now, enter a name for this YouTube widget and enter your Channel ID (which you can find from here) and click on “Save“. You can also change the “Layout” and “Theme” of your Subscribe button, but most people will not touch these options in “YouTube Subscribe Widget“.
That’s it. Now you have successfully finished adding YouTube Subscribe button widget in your WordPress using a WordPress plugin.
Method 2:
In this method, I am going to teach you on how to add YouTube Subscribe button widget in your WordPress sidebar manually.
1) To get started, go to YouTube subscribe button page in Google Developers. Once you are in there, you will see the configuration options.

2) Now, enter your Channel Name or ID (which you can find from here), select your Layout, Theme and Subscribe count. Once done, you can see the preview of your widget and the code which you need to add in your website to show up the widget.

3) Now, copy the first line of the code and add it in the header section (between <head> and </head>) in your website. Next, copy the remaining code, go to WordPress widgets, drag and drop a “Text” widget to the sidebar, add the code in it and click on “Save“.

That’s it. Now you have successfully added a YouTube Subscribe button widget in your WordPress website or blog manually without using a plugin.
If you have any queries regarding the installation of YouTube subscribe button in WordPress, do let me know by dropping a comment below.